Molding Room

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The Molding Room is a location in the Playtime Co. factory. It was first seen on the Chapter 2: Fly in a Web Steam page. The rooms purpose is to create the Green GrabPack Hand utility.


The Molding Room is a room full of colorful machines that were used to create GrabPack hands. These mechanisms have decorative eyes, alluding to the toy themes around the factory. Noticeably, they share similar appearances to the Make-A-Friend machine. It is located in a side room in Musical Memory. It’s a required room needed to access the game for which the main gate which leads to the game is semi-closed.


The Molding Room is the room used to create the Green GrabPack Hand. You must first turn on the Power within the room, turning on multiple lights alongside starting the process. You must first fill the left machines container with white solid balls by pressing the first button that is flashing on the Control Panel. After this, you must fix the broken pipe by pulling it with your GrabPack Hand. Continue to press the second button. This button will result in the white solid balls turning into a white, thick liquid that will spray itself onto the second machine on the left. The liquid would then mold into a GrabPack-shaped mold that will be transported to the conveyors. The third button will be accessible, and after pressing it, a green liquid would attempt to be sprayed onto the mold. Unfortunately, this green paint has run out, and you must refill its paint.

The Green paint bucket can be seen after climbing to the catwalks, which can be accessed behind the mechanisms. A paint bucket will be pulled on a conveyor, and you must grab it with your GrabPack. Continue to place the bucket into the spraying machine, and press the third button. The paint will now successfully turn the old white-colored mold into a Green-colored mold. Press the fourth button to transport it to the end of the conveyor, and connect it to your GrabPack.

A green tape can be seen on the Control Panel, and you are able to place it into a VCR next to the exit of the room which can be found next to a Green Power Receiver. This tape explains how to use your Green GrabPack Hand, and explains how it can hold electricity for a limited time. The tape isn't required to be watched.


  • The Molding Room is seen in Chapter 2’s title screen as Mommy Long Legs’ limbs are stretched over and across the molding machines; her hand is seen limp on the floor and is twitching every few seconds.
  • The Molding Room went through multiple stages of development, with minor or major chances happening until the final build of the game.
    • The first version of the Molding Room was found on the Chapter 2 Steam page. This version featured no Molding Room logo on the top of the area, and no eyes on any of the machines.
    • The second version of the Molding Room now had eyes on the machines, alongside the hand shapes being seen on the left mechanism.
      • For some reason, this was later replaced back to the BETA version before Chapter 2 released.



Playtime Co.
Chapter 1 Locations
Main EntranceGift ShopSecurityMain LobbyPower RoomWarehouseMake-A-FriendVentilation ShaftPoppy RoomSecret Door
Chapter 2 Locations
Elliot Ludwig's OfficeEmpty ClosetBackroomsNavigation RoomHigher-Up TunnelsPower RoomGame StationMolding RoomMusical MemoryRejected RoomWack-a-WuggyGrabPack StorageCart CorridorsStaircaseStatuesStatues WatchtowerWater TreatmentIncinerating RoomHidden LabyrinthBay 09Train Station
Chapter 3 Locations
PlaycareHome Sweet HomePlayhouse
ARG Locations
Storage B